The Hamilton is a residential cooperative building located in Midtown Manhattan.
Quick Facts
- Location: Midtown Manhattan, New York
- Fuel: Natural Gas conversion from # 6 Fuel Oil
- Max Capacity: 75kw
- Pollution Control: Non-selective 3-way catalytic reduction system
- Environmental Benefits: 310 tons reduction in CO2
- In Operation since: October 14, 2010
- Equipment: One 75kW 7TP5LE ThermoPower
- Use of Electrical Energy: Displaces building loads previously supplied by the local utility
- Use of Thermal Energy: Displaces heat previously supplied by oil burners for use in domestic hot water and comfort space heat
- Interconnection: Con Edison
Total Annual Savings: $100,000
Site Description
The Hamilton is a residential cooperative building located in Midtown Manhattan. The Hamilton was built in 1963 and contains 359 apartments as well as a landscaped roof deck, laundry room, and two commercial spaces that house a supermarket and garage. The building was originally heated by Con Edison steam but had converted to No. 6 fuel oil before 1983.
Project History
Clark Lydic, Board President for the 305 East 40th Owners Corp, owners of The Hamilton, was looking for ways to reduce annual energy costs for the building as those costs made up a significant percentage of the board’s annual operating expense. After an initial meeting at an industry expo for condos and co-ops, Lydic engaged with representatives of Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group to discuss the viability and projected cost-savings of installing a Combined Heat and Power system in The Hamilton. The Dalkia Aegis CHP system reduces both costs and emissions for medium and large multi-family customers by simultaneously generating electricity and heat energy from a single fuel source. Using proprietary software, the team from Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group was able to analyze The Hamilton’s historical energy consumption data along with information gathered from an on-site inspection to outline a potential cost-savings profile for the building using CHP.
CHP Systems Description
The CHP system, designed and installed by Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group, consists of one ThermoPower TP75LE induction system, which features a natural gas-fired engine, supplying a total of 75kW of electricity to the building’s base electric load. The system is located in the building’s mechanical room. The main electrical distribution panel in the building receives the cogenerated electricity, which is then distributed to meet 50% of the total building load. Electricity from the Con Ed grid services the remaining load. Likewise, the CHP system supplies 29% of the building’s hot water demand for DHW and space heating. The CHP system is equipped with a state-of- the- art Windows-based microprocessor for automatic, unattended and remote monitoring by Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group to ensure operation at optimum parameters.
Savings and Benefits
While initial savings were estimated at $7500 per month, the combined heat and power system installed by Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group actually outperformed over the first six months of continuous use, delivering an average monthly savings of $9200 over previous comparable billing cycles. The Hamilton, sensitive to reducing its environmental impact, also appreciated the 310-ton reduction in CO2 emissions, as a result of installing a CHP system. The combined heat and power unit also helps The Hamilton comply with NYC Local Law 43, which bans the burning of No. 6 heating oil by 2015.
End User Perspectives
Clark Lydic
President, Board of Directors
305 East 40th Owners Corp
The Hamilton
Since the installation of the Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group combined heat and power system in October 2010, the monthly fuel consumption reports for The Hamilton have shown a significant reduction in energy costs for both fuel oil and electricity. With Dalkia Aegis staff monitoring the system remotely on a 24/7 schedule, the system’s runtime is very high. All maintenance has been completed on a timely basis. Overall the system’s performance to date has exceeded all of our expectations and initial savings projections.